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The world of investing can seem mind-boggling for a beginning investor. How do you decide what type of security to invest in? Should you choose stocks, bonds or a combination of investments? What about mutual funds? How do you choose a particular fund, stock or bond? How do you assess the risk to your money? This Financial Guide provides a starting point for inexperienced investors. It describes how securities markets work, what protections are afforded, the general types of securities available, the interaction of risk and reward and how to select the investments appropriate for your risk tolerance. How Securities Are Bought and SoldThe term “securities” encompasses a broad range of investments, including stocks, corporate bonds, government bonds, mutual funds, options, and municipal bonds. Investment contracts, through which investors pool money into a common enterprise managed for profit by a third party, are also securities. Securities may be traded on an organized exchange or traded “over the counter” between investors. ExchangesSecurities are bought and sold in a number of different markets. The best known are the New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange, both located in New York City. In addition, six regional exchanges are located in cities throughout the country. A corporation’s securities may be traded on an exchange only after the issuing company has applied to the exchange and met any listing standards relating, for example, to the company’s assets, number of shares publicly held, and number of stockholders. Organized markets for other instruments, including standardized options, impose similar restrictions. The exchanges facilitate a liquid market for securities where buyers and sellers are brought together. Listing on an exchange, however, does not constitute approval of the securities or provide any assurance as to risk and return. Over-The-CounterMany securities are not traded on an exchange but are traded over the counter (OTC) through a large network of securities brokers and dealers. In the National Association of Securities Dealers’ Automated Quotation System (NASDAQ), which is run by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), trading in OTC stocks is done via on-line computer listings of bid, which asks prices and completes transactions. Like the exchanges, NASDAQ has listing standards that must be met for securities to be traded in that market. Similar to an exchange it provides a “meeting place” for buyers and sellers. The typical investor generally will not know whether their security is bought or sold through an exchange or over the counter. The investor engages a broker who arranges the transaction in the appropriate market at the desired price. BrokersIf you buy or sell securities on an exchange or over the counter, you will probably use a broker, and your direct contact will be with a registered representative. The registered representative, often called an account executive or financial consultant, must be registered with the National Association of Security Dealers (NASD), a self-regulatory organization whose operations are overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and with the states in which the broker is conducting business. The registered representative is the link between the investor and the traders and dealers who actually buy and sell securities on the floor of the exchange or elsewhere. How Prices are EstablishedHow are the stock prices that appear in the financial section of the newspaper arrived at? Market prices for stocks traded over the counter and for those traded on exchanges are established in somewhat different ways. Exchange PricesThe exchanges centralize trading in each security at one location, on the floor of the exchange. There, auction principles of trading set the market price of a security according to current buying and selling interests. If such interests do not balance, designated floor members known as specialists are expected to Over the Counter (OTC)In the OTC market, brokers acting on behalf of their customers (the investors) contact a brokerage firm which holds itself out as a market-maker in the specific security, and negotiates the most favorable purchase or sale price. Commissions received by brokers are then added to the purchase price or deducted from the In some cases, a customer’s brokerage firm may itself act as a dealer, either selling a security to a customer from its own inventory or buying it from the customer. In such cases, the broker hopes to make a profit on the purchase and sale of the security, but no commission is charged. Instead, a retail “mark-up” Bid and Ask PricesIn both cases, a stock is quoted in terms of bid and ask. The bid is the price at which the market or market maker is willing to buy the security from you. Similarly, the ask is the price at which the market or market maker is willing to sell the security to you. Not surprising, the ask price is higher than the How Your Securities are ProtectedInvestors’ money is protected in three ways: by federal laws and regulations that are enforced by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission); by self-policing in the industry; and by state law. Under federal securities laws, those engaged in the business of buying and selling securities have a great deal of responsibility for regulating their own behavior through SROs (self-regulatory organizations) operating under the oversight of the SEC. These SROs include all of the exchanges; the NASD; the Municipal The SROs are responsible for establishing rules governing trading and other activities, setting qualifications for securities industry professionals, regulating the conduct of their members, and disciplining those who fail to abide by their rules. In addition, the federal securities laws provide investors with certain protections, including the ability to sue if they have been harmed as a result of certain violations of those laws. Many brokerage firms require that their customers sign an agreement containing an arbitration clause when they open a brokerage account. If you sign an agreement with an arbitration clause, you are agreeing to settle any future disputes with the broker through binding arbitration, instead of through the courts. Arbitration proceedings are administered by the SROs, and the rules that apply in arbitration proceedings are specified by each SRO. Although the SEC oversees the arbitration process, it cannot intervene on behalf of, or directly represent individual investors. Nor can the SEC modify or vacate an arbitration decision. Further protection for investors is provided by state laws designed to regulate the sale of securities within state boundaries. The Function of the SECThe SEC, an independent agency of the U.S. Government, was established by Congress in 1934 to administer the federal securities laws. It is headed by five Commissioners, appointed by the President, who direct a staff of lawyers, accountants, financial analysts, and other professionals. The staff operates from its headquarters in Washington, D.C. and from five regional offices and six district offices in major financial centers throughout the country. The SEC’s principal objectives are to ensure that the securities markets operate in a fair and orderly manner, that securities industry professionals deal fairly with their customers, and that corporations make public all material information about themselves so that investors can make informed investment decisions. The SEC accomplishes these goals by:
Despite the many protections provided by federal and state securities laws and SRO rules, it is important for investors to remember that they have the ultimate responsibility for their own protection. In particular, the SEC cannot guarantee the worth of any security. Investors must make their own judgments about the What Companies Must DiscloseBefore any company offers its securities for sale to the general public (with certain exceptions), it must file with the SEC a registration statement and provide a “prospectus” to investors. In its registration statement, the company must provide all material information on the nature of its business, the company’s management, the type of security being offered and its relation to other securities the company may have on the market, and the company’s financial statements as audited by independent public accountants. A copy of a prospectus containing information about the company and the securities offered must be provided to investors upon or before their purchase. In addition, most companies must continue to update (quarterly and annually), in filings made with the SEC, this disclosure information to ensure an informed trading market. The SEC reviews registration statements and periodic reports for completeness, but the SEC does not review every detail and verification of each statement of fact would be impossible. However, the securities laws do authorize the SEC to seek injunctives and other relief for registration statements containing materially false and misleading statements. Persons who willfully violate the securities laws may also be subject to criminal action brought by the Department of Justice leading to imprisonment or criminal fines. The laws also provide that investors may be able to sue to recover losses in the purchase of a registered security if materially false or misleading statements How the SEC Supervises Industry ProfessionalsAnother important part of the SEC’s role is supervision of the securities markets and the conduct of securities professionals. The SEC serves as a watchdog to protect against fraud in the sale of securities, illegal sale practices, market manipulation, and other violations of investors’ trust by broker-dealers, investment advisers, and other securities professionals. In general, individuals who buy and sell securities professionally must register with the appropriate SRO, meet certain qualification requirements, and comply with rules of conduct adopted by that SRO. The broker-dealer firms for which they work must, in turn, register with the SEC and comply with the agency’s rules relating to such matters as financial condition and supervision of individual account executives. In addition, broker-dealer firms must also comply with the The SEC can deny registration to securities firms and, in some cases, may impose sanctions against a firm and/or individuals in a firm for violation of federal securities laws (such as, manipulation of the market price of a stock, misappropriation of customer funds or securities, or other violations). The SEC polices the securities industry by conducting inspections and working in conjunction with the securities exchanges, the NASD, and state securities commissions. Protecting YourselfYou should be as careful about buying securities as you would be about any other costly purchase. The vast majority of securities professionals are honest, but misrepresentation and fraud do take place. Observe the following basic safeguards when “shopping” for investments:
Professional guidance can be very helpful in developing a sound investment program. Types of InvestmentsTwo broad categories of securities are available to investors: equity securities, which represent ownership of a part of a company and debt securities, which represent a loan from the investor to a company or government entity. Within each of these types, there are a wide variety of specific investments. In addition, different types can be combined (e.g., through mutual funds) or even split apart to form derivative securities. Each type has distinct characteristics plus advantages and disadvantages, depending on an investor’s needs and investment objectives. In this section, we provide an overview of the most common classes of investment securities. StocksThe type of equity securities with which most people are familiar is stock. When investors buy stock, they become owners of a “share” of a company’s assets. If a company is successful, the price that investors are willing to pay for its stock will often go up and shareholders who bought stock at a lower price then stand to make a profit. If a company does not do well, however, its stock may decrease in value and shareholders can lose money. The rise in the price of a stock is termed appreciation or “capital gain.” The stockholder is also entitled to dividends, which may be paid out from the company. Investors, therefore, have two sources of profit from stock investments, dividends, and appreciation. Some stocks pay out most of their earnings as dividends and may have little appreciation. These stocks are sometimes referred to as income stocks. Other stocks may pay out little or no dividend, preferring to reinvest earnings within the company. Since all of an investor’s potential earnings comes from appreciation these stocks are sometimes referred to as growth stocks. Stock prices are also subject to both general economic and industry-specific market factors. There is no guarantee of a return from investing in stocks and hence there is risk incurred in investing in this type of security. As owners, shareholders generally have the right to vote on electing the board of directors and on certain other matters of particular significance to the company. Under the federal securities laws, most companies must send to shareholders a proxy statement providing information on the business experience and compensation of nominees to the board of directors and on any other matter submitted for shareholder vote. This information is required so that stockholders can make an informed decision on whether to elect the nominees or on how to vote on matters submitted for their consideration. Stock investments are typically common stock, which is the basic ownership share of a company. Some companies also offer preferred stock, which is another class of stock. Preferred stock typically offers some set rate of return (although it is still not guaranteed), and pays dividends before dividends are paid for common stock. Preferred stock may not, however, participate in as much upside as common stock. If a company does really well, preferred stockholders may receive the same dividend as any other year while common stockholders reap the rewards of a great year. Corporate BondsThe most common form of corporate debt security is the bond. A bond is a certificate promising to repay, no later than a specified date, a sum of money which the investor or bondholder has loaned to the company. In return for the use of the money, the company also agrees to pay bondholders a certain amount of “interest” each year, which is usually a percentage of the amount loaned. Since bondholders are not owners of the company, they do not share in dividend payments or vote on company matters. The return on their investment is not usually dependent upon how successful the company is. Bondholders are entitled to receive the amount of interest originally agreed upon, as well as a return of the principal amount of the bond if they hold the bond for the time period specified. Companies offering bonds to the public must file with the SEC a registration statement, including a prospectus containing information about the company and the security. Government BondsThe U.S. Government also issues a variety of debt securities, including Treasury bills (commonly called T-bills), Treasury notes, and U.S. Government agency bonds. T-bills are sold to selected securities dealers by the Treasury at auctions. Government securities can also be purchased from banks, government securities dealers, and other broker-dealers. Similar to corporate bonds, these bonds pay interest and the amount of principal at maturity. Some bonds, such as Treasury Bills, may not pay cash interest. Instead, the bond is purchased at a discount and the interest is built into the amount the investor receives at maturity. Contrary to popular belief investors must pay income tax on U.S. government bond interest. Municipal BondsBonds issued by states, cities, or certain agencies of local governments such as school districts are called municipal bonds. An important feature of these bonds is that the interest a bondholder receives is not subject to federal income tax. In addition, the interest is also exempt from state and local tax if the Municipal bonds are exempt from registration with the SEC; however, the MSRB establishes rules that govern the buying and selling of these securities. Stock OptionsA stock option is a type of derivative security and refers to the right to buy or sell something at some point in the future. There are a wide variety of these specialized instruments such as futures, options, and swaps. Most are not appropriate for the average investors. The type of options with which we are concerned here are standardized, exchange-traded options to buy or sell corporate stock. These options fall into two categories:
While options are considered by many to be very risky securities, if used properly they can actually reduce the risk of a portfolio. Generally, if you are bullish on a stock (i.e. you expect the price to go up), you buy a call option. The price you pay is called the premium. You would purchase a put option if you are bearish on a stock (i.e. you expect the price to go down). If the stock moves in the right direction you can profit handsomely. If it doesn’t you lose the premium that you paid. Buying puts and calls is not a risky strategy, but selling puts and calls is. One exception is selling a call option on a stock you already own. This is known as a “covered call.” This actually reduces the overall risk of your portfolio in exchange for you giving up some of your upside. Mutual FundsCompanies or trusts that principally invest their capital in securities are known as investment companies or mutual funds. Investment companies often diversify their investments in different types of equity and debt securities in the hope of obtaining specific investment goals. When you invest in a mutual fund, the fund invests in individual equity and debt securities. There’s no need to make individual purchase and sale decisions. Mutual funds also provide an easy way to diversify a portfolio. Rather than purchasing 50 stocks yourself, you can purchase a single mutual fund.
Investment Contracts and Limited PartnershipsInvestors sometimes pool money into a common enterprise managed for profit by a third party. This is called an investment contract. Such enterprises may involve anything from cattle breeding programs to movie productions. This is often done through the establishment of a limited partnership in which investors, as limited partners, own an interest in a venture but do not take an active management role. Some of these securities have been issued in the past primarily for purposes of reducing income tax liability. Such opportunities are limited today. Care should be taken in investing in these securities since they can be illiquid and require a great deal of expertise. Consult with your financial advisor before investing in these types of investments. Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)Real estate investment trusts are set up in a fashion similar to mutual funds. Instead of investing in stocks or bonds, however, REIT investors pool their funds to buy and manage real estate or to finance real estate construction or purchases. Real estate limited partnerships are also common. This is a way to get diversification from real estate investment without the headaches of property ownership and management. Asset AllocationAsset allocation is the process of allocating your investments among several broad categories, including stocks, corporate bonds, and government bonds and is extremelyimportant in investment success. In fact, portfolio selection should generally be based on asset allocation, whether formal or informal. This process can be complicated, but computer programs are available to assist in performing the allocation.
Risk vs. ReturnOne of the most basic relationships in investing is that between risk and reward. Investments that offer potentially high returns are accompanied by higher risk factors. It is up to you to decide how much risk you can assume. Always keep in mind your current and future needs. RiskThere are many types of risk. The one most people think of is market risk, which is the risk that market prices can fluctuate. If you have a short investment horizon, generally something less than five years, this risk is important since the market could be down at the time you most need the money. On the other hand, if you have a long time horizon, for example when saving for retirement, you may be unconcerned with market risk. The investment has the opportunity to come back prior to the time you need the funds. Another risk, which many people don’t think about, is purchasing power risk. This is the risk that your investment will not keep up with inflation and you will not be able to maintain your desired standard of living. A bank CD, for example, might pay interest of 3 percent and have no market risk. Your principal does not fluctuate in value and you are insured against loss. However, if inflation exceeds 3 percent you will lose purchasing power.
You need to assess how much risk you can tolerate. In general the longer your investment horizon the greater the amount of risk you can afford to take. Your financial advisor can assist you in measuring your risk tolerance. Risk can also be reduced through diversification. Rather than buying one stock, buy a basket of 20 to 30 stocks. This reduces your overall risk. You can also reduce risk by combining different investment types such as stocks, corporate bonds, and government bonds. These securities are not highly correlated, in other words, they tend not to go up or down at the same time. ReturnWhy would one want to take on more risk? Because it generally comes with a higher expected return. While stocks may have the greatest market risk, they have also had the highest market return over the long haul. Stock returns have averaged between 10 and 11 percent since the early part of this century. Corporate bonds, on the other hand, have averaged between 6 and 7 percent, and government bonds closer to 5 percent. As you can see the lower the risk the lower the expected return. You must balance the amount of risk you are willing to tolerate with the amount of return you expect to achieve. There is no such thing as a high return/low-risk investment. Planning TechniquesYou should first assess your current resources and future goals because this will assist you and your advisors in determining what rate of return is necessary to achieve your goals, and how much risk you can tolerate. Here is a suggested checklist:
Security SelectionOnce you have decided what percentage of your assets should go in each asset class, you need to select the appropriate individual securities. For each security, you must evaluate its unique risk and its expected return. There are a number of sources of information about specific securities that you can explore, but generally, the most important of these for mutual funds and new stock issues is the prospectus. The prospectus is the security’s selling document, containing information about costs, risks, past performance (if any) and the investment goals. The prospectus is obtained from the company or mutual fund or from your financial advisor. Read it and exercise your judgment carefully, before you invest. In the case of a mutual fund, there is also a Statement of Additional Information (SAI). An SAI is sometimes referred to as Part B of the prospectus and explains a fund’s operations in greater detail than the prospectus. It’s also possible to get a clearer picture of a fund’s investment goals and policies by reading its annual and semi-annual reports to shareholders. If you ask, the fund must send you an SAI and/or its periodic reports; however, this process is time-consuming and requires a great deal of time and expertise. Six Investing Pitfalls to AvoidHere are the top mistakes that cause investors to lose money unnecessarily. 1. Using a Cookie-Cutter Approach Most investors, along with many of the people who advise the, are satisfied with a one-size-fits-all investment plan. The “model portfolio” is useless to most investors. Your individual needs as an investor must govern any plans you make for investment. For instance, how much of your investment can you risk losing? What is your investment timetable…are you retired, a young professional, or middle-aged? The allocation of your portfolio’s assets among various types of investments, including Treasuries, blue-chip stocks, equity mutual funds, and other, should match your needs perfectly. 2. Taking Unnecessary Risks You do not have to risk your capital to make a decent return on your money. There are many investments that offer a return that beats inflation and more-without unduly jeopardizing your hard-earned money. For instance, Treasuries, the safest possible investment, offer a decent return with virtually no risk. Blue-chip preferred stocks, common stocks, and mutual funds offer high returns with a fairly low level of risk. 3. Allowing Fees and Commissions to Eat Up Profits Many investors allow brokers’ commissions and other return-eating costs to cut into their returns. Professionals need to be compensated for their time; however, you should make certain that the fees you are paying are appropriate for the services performed. 4. Not Starting Early Enough Many investors are not cognizant of the power of interest compounding. By starting out early enough with your investment plan, you can invest less, and still come out with double or even quadruple the amount you would have had if you started later. Another way to look at it is that by investing as much as possible earlier on, you’ll be able to meet your goals and have more current cash on hand to spend. 5. Ignoring the Cost of Taxes Every time you or your mutual fund sells stocks, there is a capital gains tax to pay. Unless you are in a tax-deferred retirement account, taxes will eat into your profits, therefore, you should invest in funds that have low turnover (i.e., funds in which shares are bought and sold less frequently). Your portfolio, overall, should have a turnover of 10 percent or less per year. 6. Letting Emotion Govern Your Investing Never give in to pressure from a broker to invest in a “hot” security or to sell a fund and get into another one. The key to a successful portfolio lies in planning, discipline, and reason. Emotion and impulse have no role to play in investing. Similarly, do not be too quick to unload a stock or fund just because it slips a few points. Try to stay in a security or fund for the long haul. On the other hand, when it’s time to unload a loser, then let go of it. Finally, do not fall prey to the myth of “market timing.” This is the belief that by getting into or out of a security at exactly the right moment, we can retire rich. Market timing does not work. Instead, use the investment strategies that do work: a balanced allocation of your portfolio’s assets among securities that suit your individual needs, the use of dividend reinvestment programs and other cost-saving strategies, and a well-disciplined, long-haul approach to saving and investment. Government and Non-Profit Agencies
GlossaryAskThe lowest price a broker asks customers to pay for a security. Beneficial OwnerThe true owner of a security which may, for convenience, be recorded under the name of a nominee. BidThe highest price a broker is willing to pay for a security. BondA certificate that is evidence of a debt in which the issuer promises to repay a specific amount of money to the bondholder, plus a certain amount of interest, within a fixed period of time. Broker-DealerAn entity engaged in the business of buying and selling securities. CallThe right in options contracts to buy underlying securities at a specified price at a specified time. Also refers to provisions in bond contracts that allow issuers to buy back bonds prior to their stated maturity. Cash AccountA type of account with a broker-dealer in which the customer agrees to pay the full amount due for the purchase of securities within a short period of time, usually five business days. Closed-end FundA type of investment company whose securities are traded on the open market rather than being redeemed by the issuing company. CommissionThe fee charged by a broker-dealer for services performed in buying or selling securities on behalf of a customer. Discretionary AccountA type of account with a broker-dealer in which the investor authorizes the broker to buy and sell securities, selected by the broker, at a price, amount, and time the broker believes to be best. DividendA payment by a corporation to its stockholders, usually representing a share in the company’s earnings. Equity SecurityAn ownership interest in a company, most often taking the form of corporate stock. Face ValueThe amount of money that the issuer of a bond promises to repay to the bondholder on or before the maturity date. Form 8-KA current report required to be filed with the SEC if a certain specified event occurs, such as a change in control of the registrant, acquisition or disposition of assets, bankruptcy or receivership, or another material event. Form 8-K is required to be filed within 15 days of the event. Form 10-KThe designation of the official audited financial report and narrative which publicly owned companies must file with the SEC. It shows assets, liabilities, equity revenues, expenses, and so forth. It is a reflection of the corporation’s condition at the close of the business year, and the results of operations for that year. Form 10-QQuarterly reports containing interim information, which is “material” and important for investors to know. These must be filed with the SEC. InterestThe payment a corporate or governmental issuer makes to bondholders in return for the loan of money. Investment CompanyA company engaged primarily in the business of investing in securities. Margin AccountA type of account with a broker-dealer, in which the broker agrees to lend the customer part of the amount due for the purchase of securities. Money Market AccountGenerally, a mutual fund which typically invests in short-term debt instruments such as government securities, commercial paper, and large denomination certificates of deposit of banks. Mutual FundA pool of stocks, bonds, or other securities purchased by a group of investors and managed by a professional/registered investment company. The investment company itself is also commonly referred to as a mutual fund. NASDAQNational Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (NASDAQ) is a system that provides broker-dealers with bid and ask prices for some securities traded over the counter. Net Asset ValueThe dollar value of one share of a mutual fund at a given point in time, which is calculated by adding up the value of all of the fund’s holdings and dividing by the number of outstanding shares. No-load FundA type of mutual fund that offers its shares directly to the public at their net asset value with no accompanying sales charge. Odd LotFewer than 100 shares of stock. Open-end FundA type of investment company that continuously offers shares to the public and stands ready to buy back such shares whenever an investor wishes to sell. OptionA contract providing the right to buy or sell something often 100 shares of corporate stock at a fixed price, within a specified period of time. Over the Counter (OTC)A market for buying and selling stock between broker-dealers over the telephone rather than by going through a stock exchange. ProspectusThe document required to be furnished to purchasers of newly registered securities, which provides detailed information about the company issuing the securities and about that particular offering. ProxyA written authorization given by shareholders for someone else to cast their votes on such corporate issues as election of directors. Proxy StatementA document which the SEC requires a company to send to its shareholders (owners of record) that provides material facts concerning matters on which the shareholders will vote. PutThe right, in an options contract, to sell underlying securities at a specified price at a specified time. Quotation (or Quote)The price at which a security may be bought or sold at any given time. Registered SecuritiesStocks or bonds or other securities for which a registration statement has been filed with the SEC. REITReal Estate Investment Trust, a type of company in which investors pool their funds to buy and manage real estate or to finance construction or purchases. Restricted SecuritiesStocks or bonds which were issued in a private sale or other transaction riot registered with the SEC. Round LotGenerally, one hundred shares of stock or multiples of 100. SpecialistA member of a stock exchange who operates on the trading floor buying and selling shares of particular securities as necessary to maintain a fair and orderly market. StockAn ownership interest in a company, also known as “shares” in a company. Street NameA name other than that of the beneficial owner (e.g., a broker-dealer) in which stock may be recorded, usually to facilitate resale. Unit Investment TrustA type of investment company with a fixed unmanaged portfolio, typically invested in bonds or other debt securities in which the interests are redeemable. YieldGenerally, the return on an investment in a stock or bond, calculated as a percentage of the amount invested.
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